

After having an emergency c-section with our first child’s birth, I was hoping to have a natural childbirth with our second. During my pregnancy, I met with a doctor who said that the likelihood of a successful VBAC after 40 weeks was so low I might as well schedule surgery for the day I hit 41 weeks. So I did. But after taking your hypnobirthing class, and in consultation with my midwife, I cancelled the surgery as week 41 approached.

The morning after the (cancelled) surgery was scheduled, I went into spontaneous labor. We welcomed our baby less than eight hours later. It was the natural, calm birth I had hoped for. Your class and the hypnobirthing book made this possible. During labor, I relied heavily on everything I’d learned from hypnobirthing. I used all the breathing techniques, and I repeated statements I borrowed from the affirmations track. I had been scared and nervous during the labor of our first baby. Not this time. I felt fearless, and focused, like a runner starting a marathon. My midwife, doula, and husband matched my vibe and kept everything low key. When the baby came out, the midwife immediately put her on my chest with the cord still attached. It was the most shocking, exhilarating, and wonderful feeling. Thank you, Kadie, for facilitating an amazing birth experience!

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